information, inspiration, and connection for a vibrant midlife and beyond

Wise Lotus Collective was born out of a desire to change the narrative around midlife and aging. Unsupported midlife can bring confusion, fear, and frustration. We believe these can be our power years, a time when women can move from their reproductive years into their self-productive years. We believe that a supported midlife (and beyond!), one where women have the information to make healthy choices specific to their needs and opportunities to connect with other women in deep and meaningful ways, can bring the best years of our lives.

“People may call what happens at midlife “a crisis,” but it’s not. It’s an unraveling—a time when you feel a desperate pull to live the life you want to live, not the one you’re “supposed” to live. The unraveling is a time when you are challenged by the universe to let go of who you think you are supposed to be and to embrace who you are.” ~Brene Brown

From The Blog

  • Breast Massage: The Ultimate Self-Care

    Breast massage is a loving way to get really familiar with our breasts and what their normal is. We can use breast massage as a tool for expanding awareness of our breasts but also to reduce breast pain, improve lymphatic flow,…

  • Seed Cycling 101

    Seed Cycling is a natural, safe, and gentle way to help support your hormones whether you are still menstruating, in the throes of perimenopause, or post-menopausal. By consuming specific seeds…

  • The Bitch is Back: The Fire of Midlife Anger

    Remember that scene in Fried Green Tomatoes where Cathy Bates’s character purposefully crashes her car into the car of the snarky young women who stole her parking spot? This scene…

  • Become a Bladder Boss

    Hi Collective,         Ever feel like your bladder is bossing you around? Maybe you can’t make it through the whole movie without interruption or maybe your bladder is…

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