The Pleasure Principle
Heather and I have become pleasure pushers. We want you to be experiencing deep pleasure. Not just every once in a while, but every day. Why? Because it’s imperative for women, particularly women in midlife, to seek pleasure daily. It’s your greatest medicine. Women’s nervous systems are built for pleasure and when we separate ourselves from this fact, we separate from our bodies, our desires, and our deepest truths.
The less we actively seek pleasure, the less we make it a priority, the harder it is to experience it. This translates to every aspect of our lives– our creativity, parenting, sexuality, mood, brain chemistry, and hormonal health all respond positively to pleasure. There isn’t an aspect of our lives that doesn’t benefit when we work for our pleasure.
It’s important we distinguish pleasure from gratification. Think of pleasure as deep soul food and gratification as a junk soul food. What authentically feeds your soul feels healing, connecting, and enlivening. Junk soul food might bring gratification for a moment but doesn’t leave lasting benefits and is often detrimental.
How much pleasure can you stand? Do you find yourself limiting your pleasure? I’ll read my book but curling up with a blanket would be too indulgent. If you find yourself limiting your pleasure take a moment to sit quietly and consider why.
Do you love the way your countertop cleaner smells? Does your morning routine bring delight to your senses? What’s the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning? Every moment of every day is a chance to bring your senses pleasure.
From your shampoo to your dish towels; from how you touch your body to the frequency of your orgasms, consider how you can bring more pleasure into your life. When you begin to do this, it’s easier to ask yourself what it is you really want. And when a woman drops into her authentic desire, she is unstoppable.
How will you bring more pleasure into your days? Consider all five senses, ask yourself what would bring a delicious aliveness to your moments, then make it happen.
We look forward to bringing you opportunities to experience more authentic pleasure, sensuality, and sexuality in your life.
Your pleasure-seeking sisters,
Ashley and Heather